Published: 7:30AM GMT 05 March 2010
But despsite appearances, the design essentially shows the animal personification with zoo keepers in a pool.
Used to human contact, the tigers fool around a submissive diversion of follow with their trainers around the pool corner prior to diving in to the water.
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The diversion involving 6 Bengal and Siberian tigers has turn a renouned captivate at the Africa Wildlife Park, in Camp Verde, Arizona, in the US.
Kathleen Reeder, 52, a wildlife photographer who prisoner the images, said: "The show starts with about 3 to five keepers entrance in to the pool area with the tigers.
"The tigers travel and run around the pool area, display love and love for their keepers by rubbing off up opposite them only similar to a residence cat rubs opposite their owner.
"The screw afterwards runs around the pool area removing the tigers" attention.
"It"s similar to personification with your residence cat with a toy. You call the fondle in front of the cat to get the cat to follow it.
"The keepers wish the tigers to follow them, when they have the tiger"s courtesy they will run, dive or burst in to the pool.
"Most of the time the tigers will burst in right after them.
"These tigers love their keepers so they don"t sustain their nails when chasing or when jumping in to the water.
"There will regularly be dual keepers in the H2O to have certain that things don"t get out of hand.
"They know what to do to reasonably hoop the tigers in the water, no one gets hurt."
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